MJA Apparel, LLC “launches” it’s Donation/Pay it Forward Program for the Disabled/Handicapped Community – WORLD WIDE!!!!

MJA Apparel, LLC is at the forefront when it comes to giving back and acknowledging the less fortunate. That’s why we’ve designed a “Donation/Pay It Forward Program for the Disabled/Handicapped Community WORLD WIDE!!! To take care of the ones that were either left behind, or just don’t have enough to even have “CLOTHES” on their back. That’s where we come in, our team will be reaching out to as many Disabled, Handicapped, Special needs Schools, Organizations, and Facilities as possible in every state. We will be donating “Brand New” Clothing to “All” that needs!!! Now please keep in mind, MJA Apparel is a “Brand New” Clothing Line which means…it may take some time for us as a Company to help everyone that needs our support. But we are accepting Donations from other Organizations, Communities, Businesses, Individuals, Etc… whereas “Now” we can reach more people in a shorter period of time. Every Disability School, Organization & Individuals that we donate to, there will be a record of it posted on our website for the world to see. And we want the “MESSAGE” to be clear, “Never Give Up” because we’re here to help!! And when it comes to our Pay it Forward Program, that just means anyone that you feel that is Handicap, Disabled, etc…that truly goes above & beyond the average person, then please provide us the details and we’ll do the rest. For more information please contact our Program Director/Main Office.

MJA Apparel, LLC
Main Office: 623-218-4641 Ext:
Tim Beyer: Program Director
Online Store: www.mjaapparel.store

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