MJA Apparel, LLC launched it’s Donation/Pay It Forward program a few months ago. Our mission is to “Help” as many DISABLED/HANDICAPPED individuals as possible…WORLDWIDE!! If you take a “Good” look around the world, you will see millions of Disabled/Handicapped individuals that are in need of Food, Shelter, Clothing, etc…! We also found out that our DONATIONS of Clothing can be used at “Bigger” organizations like Hospitals/Group Homes/ Schools/ Church’s, etc…! So a few months ago we’ve started this program/project just to see how many Disabled individuals we can help, and we are pleased to say we’ve helped alot. MJA Apparel has already started donating “Brand New” clothing “WORLDWIDE” to the DISABLED/HANDICAPPED communities.
We are looking for more HELP/SUPPORT so we can keep providing these COMMUNITIES with Brand New clothing, etc..! We ask “Anyone & Everyone” with a heart to HELP US HELP OTHERS by making a Purchase or Donation today @ our Online Store/Website!!
Thanks for your Support!!
MJA Apparel, LLC
(Never Give Up)
Office: 623-218-4641 Ext (1)
Online Store: www.mjaapparel.store

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